John C Kim and International Adoption Video

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Vital Signs - Children - No Harm to Breast-Feeding From Pacifiers -

Vital Signs

Children: No Harm to Breast-Feeding From Pacifiers

Published: May 4, 2009

Fear not the pacifier. Mothers who worry that letting their babies use a pacifier will reduce the chances of successful breast-feeding should relax, a new study says.

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Pacifiers and Breastfeeding (The Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine)

Writing in The Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine, researchers say they found no good evidence of a link between pacifier use and nursing

it's tough, when investigators in different studies tried to recruit people not to use pacifiers, they couldn't recruit enough people to do a good study, parents are stressed when their baby cries. Bottom line, they will do what it takes.

Posted via web from wholefamilyjoy's posterous

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Personal Web site for John C Kim: KIDDOC.ORG

I am a pediatrician specializing in General Pediatrics, International Adoption Medicine, and in the diagnosis and coaching of families pursuing joy.